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Birch Street Properties

9000 Birch Street

Chilliwack, BC

Overall Rating


Total Reviews


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average rating is 3 out of 5


average rating is 3 out of 5


average rating is 2 out of 5


average rating is 2 out of 5


Condo Rating

Birch Street Properties is located at 9000 Birch Street

Condo Reviews:

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Overal Rating

15-01-24, 8:08 a.m.

Decent Building terrible location not impressed with strata

Too many rentals and unconcerned landlords Rentals are being phased out but too many people get away with renting their units anyways Common areas are worn and damaged Bring earplugs because the place is noisy Strata continues to hire incompetent management companies that lack any professionalism and neglect routine maintenance Strata is quick to throw threats around but lacks any enforcement The location is crime ridden People always in the dumpsters high drug activity location many homeless within the immediate area Security measures which sound good do not deter criminals and the building and underground parking is easily breached People are always moving in and out and visitor parking accommodates max 10 vehicles for 60 units Not that you want to leave your vehicle unattended for too long anyways


Overal Rating

13-09-15, 4:29 p.m.

Never Live Here I Feel Sorry for People Who Bought here

Rented here and while living here Eight People moved out in one week Their families did not want them living here because of the crime and drug activity here A few Members of the strata were shady as well Do not invest in this place Just a friendly warning


Overal Rating

11-02-24, 3:05 p.m.

9000 Birch Street

Rented a Unit in this complex it was a complete nightmare Drugs and big time drug dealing going on here After we moved out of there we could smell the marijuana a block away from this place Possibly improved since then this was just a year ago Police said they practically lived there Never move into a Condo in Chilliwack again We were thinking of buying one NEVER


Overal Rating

09-01-30, 3:37 a.m.

Birch street

Clean Lobby nice looking amenities room Hallways clean too Theres a camera outside each suite and they have a keyless entry system for added security Hallways were pretty clean too Some scratches on the walls by the elevator but thats to be expected i guess No blaring music as we walked down the hallway to the suite Thats a good sign we saw a few Senior citizens too so thats a good sign too I was there in the winter time so the grounds didnt look great Inside the suite it was very nice Laminate floors throughout but we couldnt hear neighbours so thats good New appliances including laundry and air conditioning Rooms were decent size We visited people in a 2 bedroom Actually had a good view of the mtns too All in all it looks like a nice place to live

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