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Kensington Gardens - 5922

5922 Hastings Street

Burnaby, BC

Overall Rating


Total Reviews


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average rating is 1 out of 5


average rating is 1 out of 5


average rating is null out of 5


average rating is 2 out of 5


Condo Rating

Kensington Gardens is an ten building complex The buildings are located at 5740 Hastings St 5750 Hastings St 5760 Hastings St 5770 Hastings St 5780 Hastings St 5810 Hastings St 5820 Hastings St 5912 Hastings St 5922 Hastings St and 5932 Hastings St These undivided interests are located in the Capitol Hill area close to schools and shopping Also these buildings are near the bottom of Burnaby Mountain and SFU

Condo Reviews:

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Overal Rating

08-08-25, 2:20 a.m.

Are You Sure

The first question that entered my mind when I visited someone in this building was are you sure these units are actually for sale This must be a rental buildig and or a subsidized housing complex I don't mean to sound negative but this complex just does not fit the bill for something I would Buy it is run down in many respects some units seem to be fixed up some not some windows have been replaced some not and the list goes on To make things more complicated I found out that it is something called an undivided interest so you don't actually own your unit you just own a portion of the complex with everyone eles it is similar to a co op Then it made a bit more sense this will not be an easy thing to sell Even worse becuase of this I found out that you will need between 35 50 down to finance

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