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MacDonald House
Brentwood Gate - 4833 Brentwood Dr
Burnaby, BC
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Mac Donald House located at 4833 Brentwood Drive is one of nbsp seven residences at Brentwood Gate located in nbsp the heart of the Brentwood neighbourhood nbsp The others are nbsp Fitzgerald a 27 storey highrise and five other 4 storey lowrises Thomson House Carmichael nbsp House nbsp Jackson House The Harris and The Varley nbsp Built by Ledingham Mc Allister Mac Donald House features homes with contemporary open living spaces and exquisite detailing and finishings Views from the suites include downtown Vancouver North Shore mountains and Mt Baker nbsp Mac Donald House is located close to Brentwood Town Centre and Sky Train nbsp
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Overal Rating
19-07-15, 1:53 p.m.
A nice review title
The building is great, wide walkways clean and has great views. Ive lived here for about 3 years. The landlord was always right on time if I needed anything.
Overal Rating
15-04-02, 11:46 p.m.
blah blah blah
wanted to buy in but found newer buildings nearby has less fee's albeit smaller space somewhat higher unit cost Contacted First Service for info but none unless you are a owner Some age spots showing due to maintenance green mossy limited amenities and long term investment due to areas high density Solo Brentwood Mall Decided to hold off experts say Interest rates going up this year CMHC
Overal Rating
12-02-29, 6:14 a.m.
Frustrating and disappointing
Poor quality construction and an extremely strict strata whose only solution to every issue is to fine people There are constantly warning letters posted in the elevators about people who are supposedly violating strata rules The most recent post is about the amount of noise complaints they get Really Are people making that much noise all the time Either people are really too loud here or the building is just not made very well On that note we live in a condo people will make noise here and there during the day As long as people aren't pounding on walls in the middle of the night then I don't care Hate that Then don't live in a condo Especially one where you can apparently hear someone in another suite drop a spoon Think twice before you dish out over 300 000 for just a one bedroom You won't be able to live comfortably without feeling like you're making someone angry And the strata's solution Fine everyone I cannot believe how things are run here That being said the caretakers at the Mac Donald House are wonderful Such nice people Other than that I can't wait to move out
Overal Rating
12-03-08, 5:57 a.m.
Does anyone monitor this site
It seems to me this site is being used to much for venting You are not thinking of resale Yes there are problems If people have to come to sites like this it is because strata isn't listening The squeaky wheel wins Why can my neighbour live their life I can't live mine Condo living is a two way street If you can hear me I can hear you Noise to one is living to the other LETS BAN TOGETHER AND COMPLAIN TO BUILDERS Something is not right if you can hear your neighbour with a 60 STC
Overal Rating
09-08-02, 12:45 a.m.
Brentwood gate prison
Poor construction and poor maintance of the buildings It has only been one year and we already went through serval building managers The people living here treat this place like a dump the interior looks 10 years worn The strata council members are not very smart and take advantage of their power by running the buildings like a prison The building managers don't speak english very well can't clean repair and do not care They rather go against and fine residents rather than go with us and find solutions Only live here if you are inferior to others
Overal Rating
09-05-27, 4:33 p.m.
Shoddy workmanship by Marcon Construction Never buy if they are the builder
All the projects in Brentwood Gates were slapped together so many unexpected and unnecessary deficiencies such as most stainless steel appliances were scratched uneven window frames paint drippings all over the carpets poor security tiling with irremovable markings the private road still isn't paved allowing for continous loud noises throughout the day from cars driving over the wooden planks Marcon is the builder really cheap stuff with Ledingham not caring about their customers DO NOT BUY ANYTHING WHERE ANY OF THESE 2 ARE INVOLVED